Thursday, October 9, 2008

hills like white elephants

question 2:what info does it tell you about the past life of the man and girl? why? what happened to their relationship?why?how do we know?how accurate is the mans prediction?
the info it gives you about there relationship is that the are two friends who are spending the day on a train. during the there time on the train there realationship improves because they are joking around and are generally speaking upbeat. it is very accurate

Friday, October 3, 2008


when the narrator has to describe the cathedril to a blind man, he shows that his charictor is flawed because he dosent know what how you can describe something you can never see. he cant seem to get around how you can tell someone who has never seen color.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


i believe the author is trying to make a statement about post-wwII and that statement is that after ww2 solders were ambious about the fueter and what it holds for them. in the book the main charicter acheves a huge feet by swiming across the country. after ww2 in the book things seem more prosporous and after a long depression hope. This story helps relate a common feeling during this time period.

Monday, September 22, 2008

everyday use

question 4: does the refuse of the quilts indacate a change of charictor, why has she never done anything like this before? is any forshadowing

The mother refuses to give up the quilts because she has already promised them to there other daughter and because she feels a personal connection with the quilts because of the history that is in them. the mom's character changes when she realizes how much the quilts really mean to her daughter and decides to give her some. she hasn't done anything like that before because she hasn't been in a constance like this. in the story it does not forshadow this out come. insted it suprieses you with the ending

Thursday, September 18, 2008

interperter of maladies

question 2:
the story does help show difernt culterial aspects between Kapasi and das like

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

the desturctors

question 1: who is the protagenist of the story? who is the antagenist? identify conflict
The protagenist of the story is the gang because that is what the story centers on. the antagenist is the gang because they become more twisted as they wreck the house. the main confilct is between T. and Blackie. this is because Blackie dosn't want to give up his control of the gang while T. wants complete control. T. is also the one who comes up with the idea of destroying a house for fun.

question 5: Dose the story have anything to say about the consaquence of war? about the causes of war?
This story paints a very clear picture of the consquences of war because seicne these childeren grew up in rubble the only thing they think is fun is destorying stuff. To these kids rubble is fun and making people losses thier possesions is a game. in these kids minds war is built into them and they don't care about others "they just want to see the world burn.*" In this story is shows a meaphor for war in that the kids are angery and bord and figure that if they trash a house that it will satisfy themselves.

*a quote from Batman the Dark Knight

Monday, September 15, 2008

hunters in the snow

question 3: which characters is more sympathetic of the three characters, which is the most powerful, does the power shift in the story?

the most sympathetic character is Tub because Tub is trying to forgive Frank and Kenny. I believe that Kenny is the most powerful because he is cool and Laval headed and is dealing with his injuries one step at a time. Tub is also trying to keep positive by saying he is going to the hospital. A major power shift happens when Kenny shoots the dog because Kenny goes into temporally insanity. during this insanity he shoots his friend and slowly begins to unravel this friendship. after this power shift Tub becomes the most powerful because he is dealing with his pain well.

question 7: What is the significance of the tavern section? Is tubs remorse real? why or why not

The significance of the tavern is how Tub and frank get to settle some issues. during this section Tub admits to over-eating instead of having a gland problem. Tub also gets to work this issue out by having a big stack big pancakes. I believe that tubs remorse is real because he finally feels full. another reason is how at first he resist then when he indulges he feels better. if Kenny had been there i think the friends would have solved allot more issues then just the two of them.

question 8: the final plot twist comes in the last two sentences and gives us info that the characters don't know. is this a fitting ending? what final statement is being made about the characters?

I believe that the end fits the story because of how the story leaves the friends at a uncertain fate. the end reinforces the fact that the friends are on shaky ground and are unsure of what will become of them. i think the end also points to a possible positive outcome when they talk about the winding roads. the final statement about them is that they are all questioning there friendship. this trip for them has made them look at themselves in ways they never imagend.