Tuesday, September 16, 2008

the desturctors

question 1: who is the protagenist of the story? who is the antagenist? identify conflict
The protagenist of the story is the gang because that is what the story centers on. the antagenist is the gang because they become more twisted as they wreck the house. the main confilct is between T. and Blackie. this is because Blackie dosn't want to give up his control of the gang while T. wants complete control. T. is also the one who comes up with the idea of destroying a house for fun.

question 5: Dose the story have anything to say about the consaquence of war? about the causes of war?
This story paints a very clear picture of the consquences of war because seicne these childeren grew up in rubble the only thing they think is fun is destorying stuff. To these kids rubble is fun and making people losses thier possesions is a game. in these kids minds war is built into them and they don't care about others "they just want to see the world burn.*" In this story is shows a meaphor for war in that the kids are angery and bord and figure that if they trash a house that it will satisfy themselves.

*a quote from Batman the Dark Knight

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