Thursday, September 11, 2008

arby and eveline questions

Question #8 Analyze the boy feelings as described in the story’s last paragraph. Are his feelings justified? How will he be changed as a result of his experience at the Bazaar?

At the end of the story the boy is feeling angry because he was waiting for his uncle to come home and because his uncle came home late he could not go shop for a gift in the bazaar. I feel that his feelings are completely justified as he reminded his uncle twice before he left and his uncle let him down. Now whenever he wants to visit the bazaar he will relay on himself more than his uncle. He will also make sure he leaves earlier so that he can buy the perfect gift rather than something he rushed to get. From his experience he will make sure to bring more change instead of having to pay with large coins. He will probably visit the bazzar less because of this negitive experience.

Question #3
What does Eveline find appealing about living in Dublin?

Eveline thinks about her life in Dublin and remembers how she would play on an open field before being shooed away by her father. Another memory is when she was having a picnic and she got to where her mothers bonnet. She also remembers taking take of her kids so that they got fed and went to school. When she met frank, he would meet her at the store and walk her home. A fonder memory would be when frank took her to the theater to see the bohemian girl. Eveline thinks that even-though life in Dublin is hard se feels she cannot abandon her family for a much easier life.

Question #7
Is Eveline a sympathetic character or an unsympathetic character? Is she a victim? How does it contribute to the overall theme?
I belive that Eveline is a very sympathetic character because she feels for others and tries to lessen the burden of others by taking it upon herself to do everything. This is mostly having to do with how she was raised and becoming a victem to events that happened all around her. If Eveline had been raised differently she probably would have gone to Benos Aries but science she was raised to take care of the family she could not bring herself to go. A major theme in this story is Eveline trying to escape from her family only to realize that they cannot survive without her. In the end Evieline chooses her family over herself and this a selfless gesture to show how much she loves them

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